Join Temple Rodef Shalom in celebrating the High Holy Days this October. The congregation is excited to welcome the wider Northern Virginia community to celebrate the holiest days of the Jewish year.
The High Holy Days consist of Rosh Hashanah (the start of the new Hebrew year) which marks the beginning of a 10-day period, known as the Yamim Nora-im (“Days of Awe”) culminating with Yom Kippur (the “Day of Atonement”), the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Click here to read more about High Holy Days.
All attendees must register in advance and sign in upon arrival. The following services are open to the public with advance purchase of tickets
Metro Accessible Erev Yom Kippur Service: 8:00 PM at Top of the Town, Arlington, geared for adults but open to all members and community.
Non-TRS members may register for services here:
Click here to read about accessibility at our High Holy Days services.