
Temple Rodef Shalom likes a good party filled with lots of laughter…and the Jewish calendar provides us with plenty of opportunities to have fun.

Come for Sukkot and enjoy a festive autumn dinner followed by lots of singing and shaking (of the lulav, of course!) Walk through the doors on Simchat Torah and you’ll be greeted with a hug, a cocktail (for the grown-ups), and an invitation to dance with the Torah.

Show up for Chanukah and savor the aroma of latkes wafting down the Grand Hall. Sing along to your favorite holiday tunes as the faces of our youngest vocalists shine with as much brilliance as the flames of the chanukiyah. Purim brings all kinds of surprises…including some legendary fictional characters reenacting the story of Esther on the bimah. Bring the kids for the carnival and leave, tchotchkes in hand, wishing you hadn’t eaten ten hamantaschen.

Spring ushers in Passover as well as our annual Matzo Brie Brunch following our worship service on the first day. Let us do the cooking for your Second Night Seder and join your fellow members for our community seder. Shavuot rounds out the calendar year with Confirmation and adult education opportunities…and plenty of cheesecake to sweeten the evening.

Welcome summer with a plateful of fajitas while the kids scamper up the climbing wall at our annual Hot Shabbat. Enjoy twilight in Bunny’s Place as our clergy lead a raucous, camp-style Shabbat service which closes to Adon Olam sung to the tune of “Summer Lovin.”

Whenever you come…come prepared to practice joy, to celebrate with ruach, to reclaim awe. 

Whenever you come…come prepared to meet soon-to-be friends.

Please contact Cookie Mandell, Director of Congregational Engagement, for more information.