New Here?

We are a community built on the idea that the divine spark lives in each of us. The coming together of those sparks results in a collective that is aglow with talents, skills, and aptitudes that benefit us all.

Temple Rodef Shalom believes diversity makes us stronger…each and every person has a special gift to contribute…and each and every one of us can share a lesson in living our lives with meaning.

If you are ready to share your gift, your life lessons, your divine spark, come for a visit.

Join us for a Friday evening service. Schedule a tour of our iconic building. Pull up a chair and visit with Melissa Weinstock, our Membership Manager, at 703-942-8120 or email.

Membership: A Covenant

Upon submission of your application for Temple membership, you enter into a covenant with the family of Temple Rodef Shalom. As a Temple member, you will be asked to:

  • share the responsibility of building a kehilla kedosha, a sacred community;
  • embrace and uphold the ethics and teachings of progressive Judaism;
  • help us renew and rebuild a broken world;
  • educate and empower the next generation;
  • sustain Temple Rodef Shalom with a financial contribution.

Ready to join us? Please submit your completed application by email to Melissa Weinstock at .

Membership: Benefits

Mazel tov! You are now mishpacha, our family! The very best part of joining Temple Rodef Shalom is knowing that you are helping to build the future of Judaism in Northern Virginia…and it’s WOW.

You also get to enjoy a few perks:

  • complimentary seating at High Holy Day services,
  • eligibility to enroll your children in our fantastic Religious School,
  • pastoral care and the services of our clergy for life cycle events including times of crisis and bereavement,
  • the “family” rate for events or programs,
  • a subscription to our monthly publication, the Connection,
  • eligibility to join TRS Tents (our small groups initiative),
  • and access to a bounty of worship services, programs, events, and gatherings.

Our History

Temple Rodef Shalom has a rich history dating back to 1962, when our congregation was founded by 37 families who agreed to constitute a new Reform congregation. Most of the signers had been members of Temple Beth El in Alexandria; others were unaffiliated families looking for a congregation in or near Falls Church. More families will join throughout the summer. These, and the many families that will join before the Temple has its own building, will become known eventually as the Pioneers.

Our History page includes historic images, such as a scan of the card sent out announcing a new Reform congregation in 1962, as well as a timeline of 50 years of TRS history.