This team engages in advocacy activities for immigrant rights on the local, state and national level. Click here for ways you can help or contact Fran Bromberg, email.
TRS is an active member of Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement. VOICE is a nonpartisan coalition of almost 50 faith communities and civic organizations in Northern Virginia working together to build power in middle and low-income communities. Organized in Fairfax, Arlington, and Prince William counties as well as the City of Alexandria, VOICE unites people across lines of race, class, religion, political party, and geography to take action on key issues in our community, including but not limited to affordable housing, access to health and dental care, and immigrant rights.
TRS congregants join the Jewish Community Relations Council in an annual bus trip to Richmond to lobby for matters important to our Jewish community. We meet with our State Senators and Delegates and share with them the Jewish community’s top concerns.
In honor of the late Rabbi Richard Sternberger and his dedication to and passion for social justice, TRS presents an annual award to an individual or organization in the community that has contributed to the cause of social justice. The Committee presents the award at the annual Social Action Shabbat. A few previous recipients include Lazarus At The Gate, Share, Yachad, Falls Church Housing Corporation, Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network (ASPAN).
This annual service celebrates the role of social action in our lives and community. The Social Action Committee and Green Team welcome the activist in all of us and representatives of the recipient of the annual Rabbi Sternberger Social Justice Award to a vegetarian potluck dinner. The Shabbat service that follows honors the awardee and the temple’s ongoing social action contributions.
TRS will again participate in Every Voice, Every Vote: The Reform Movement’s 2020 Civic Engagement Campaign working with other non partisan civil rights groups to increase voter participation. Contact: Karen Menichelli, email.
More information coming soon.
Click here for information and resources about racial justice.