This Sunday morning gathering place is where congregants can socialize, hold small meetings, and wait for children who are attending religious school. . . and, of course, enjoy some fresh hot coffee, bagels and schmear!
Learn how to make challah – both regular and gluten free, rugelach, hamantaschen, matzah, and babka to coincide with the Jewish holiday each food item is eaten. Special January kids & moms baking challah session.
Give the gift of life! Twice a year, usually in December and May, WoTRS organizes a Blood Drive and our Temple Members respond generously.
Meet monthly on the second Wednesday and third or fourth Sunday. Books selections are published in the Connection and Hanashim (E-Letter).
First Wednesday monthly starting in September thru June. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Annual Treasures’ event focuses on holiday items and gifts for Chanukah. Many options and price points to choose the perfect holiday gifts for children and adults.
Gives all children the opportunity to learn the joys of giving when they pick out gifts that have been wrapped and are ready for them to buy and give to family and friends. Volunteer by shopping for gifts, wrapping, and staffing the shop which operates at Chanukah time.
Meets the 3rd Thursday monthly in the early afternoon. Typically 8-12 women meet to knit. Sisterhood members contribute squares even if they do not come to other activities.
Dinner and socializing trying restaurants in different locations to choose to participate. Women of all ages enjoy this activity.
Issues critical to Jewish Women are tracked and brought to the attention of our Women of TRS members who respond by contacting our legislators.
Two Sunday lunchtime programs per year. Serving bagels, lox and the fixings before a timely lecture.
WoTRS holds weekly Mah Jongg games for all levels of players at the Temple (see calendar.)
Order Mah Jongg Cards Through Women of TRS!
These are official cards and will be sent to you directly from the National Mah Jongg League. The cards are usually sent out in late March/early April. Based on the number of cards sold, the National Mah Jongg League makes a donation to the WoTRS.
Each year the WoTRS generally receives over $1000 in rebates that support our Temple’s education, social and community programs.
MahJongg three-session classes are offered for beginners in July, September, December, March and May-June, Register quickly; enrollment is limited.
Please direct questions to Gail Gershman at 561-596-4245, email.
Annual fall membership event with guest speaker.
Treasures’ Shop showcases all your Passover needs in one-stop shopping in time before the holiday.
Monthly on the first or second Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. Format will include a variety of sharing, listening, singing, dancing, poetry, prayer, and meditation. Beth Rene will focus on a theme, inspired by Jewish holidays celebrated in each particular month.
Women of TRS members support the Falls Church Day Care Center, volunteer at the TRS Soup Kitchen, and participate in Sukkot in April and Mitzvah Day. See the list of charities we support below.
WoTRS provides Table Settings for Temple Member Simchas. Beautiful china, flatware, and glassware are available for rent for events held in our Social Hall. Easy, convenient, and a way to give back to WoTRS since part of the proceeds go to our organization.
Stop by our wonderful gift shop! We offer one-stop shopping of Judaica and fine gifts. Under “new management” with new merchandise including a new high end Israeli designer, more flexible credit card payment options.
Visit Treasures webpage here.
Congratulatory notes sent to TRS confirmands provide scholarships to rabbinical and cantorial students via the Women of Reform Judaism YES Fund.