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Updated events:
Sun, Apr 13
10:30 AM | 1st Day Passover Morning Festival Service
11:30 AM | Matzah Brei Brunch
5:30 PM | Second Night Seder
Fri, Apr 18, 6:30 PM | Erev 7th Day Passover Service
Sat, Apr 19, 10:30 AM | 7th Day Parallel Passover Service
with Rabbi Hara Person, CEO of CCAR
We are now hosting a Seventh Day Passover Service on Saturday April 19th. Service is at 10:30. We will have Torah study first as usual.
((From Amy: We have a guest Rabbi, Rabbi Hara Person, CEO of the CCAR. This is part of a special project that the Torah Study Group has taken on – raising money to sponsor a section (Torah portion) of a new book (our Torah Commentary.) We are doing this in memory of Rabbi Laszlo Berkowits. Rabbi Person will speak to our community both at Torah study and during the service about the new book, its translation, and commentaries. For many of us, this is very exciting. We use our Torah commentary every week. There may also be a luncheon after the service.
How long do I have to get you the final details/wording?))
Use the QR code to find information and to register
for these and more Passover events!
Sunday April 13, 2025 10:30 AM
Pesach Morning Festival Service
Sunday April 13, 2025 5:30 PM
Second Night Seder
Our Second Night Seder is a family-friendly, lively, and captivating affair! We’ll retell the miracle of our liberation from Egypt through story, song and dance while exploring the meaning of the Exodus story in our own time.
Of course, we will delight in all of the traditional foods of the Seder meal as well. Wine and dessert included. And don’t forget the hunt for the afikomen! This event is in-person only.
Please email us if you need any accommodations to participate in this event.
Passover Morning Service | 10:30 AM
Join Rabbi Schwartzman and Cantor Michaeli in a special festival worship service including hearing Hallel, Festival and Passover melodies. If you can’t join us in person, you are invited to watch online here.
Matzah Brei Brunch | Following Morning Service
Following our service, we will enjoy a Matzah Brei Brunch together. Enjoy this Passover favorite, fresh fruit, and other yummy food. No need to register for worship services but registration is required for brunch. The cost is $10/Temple member adult, $15/non-member, $5/children 12 and under. Registration is now closed. For more information, please contact Cookie Mandell, Director of Engagement and Programming at .
Seder match 2025: [link here]
Second Night Seder | 5:30 PM
Our Second Night Seder is a family-friendly, lively, and captivating affair, led by Rabbi Stein and Cantor Michaeli! We’ll retell the miracle of our liberation from Egypt through story, song and dance while exploring the meaning of the Exodus story in our own time. Of course, we will delight in all of the traditional foods of the Seder meal as well. Wine and dessert included. And don’t forget the hunt for the afikomen! The cost is $15 for children under 5; $40 for children 6-12, $60 for adult TRS members $75 for adult non-members. Registration is now closed. For more information, please contact Cookie Mandell, Director of Engagement and Programming at . If you need any accommodations to participate in this event please email .
Erev 7th Day Passover and Yizkor Service
Sun, Apr 28, 7:30 PM
Reform Jews celebrate 7 days of Passover, while other denominations celebrate 8. To end the holiday of Pesach, join Rabbi Saxe and Cantor Shochet as they lead an Erev 7th Day Pesach Service. It is customary at this time to recite Yizkor, in memory of loved ones who have died at any time previously. Our custom also includes reading aloud the names of those people who have died since Rosh Hashanah. The music features traditional Festival and Passover music including Hallel.
Tot Shabbat
Sat, Apr 27, 9:00 AM
This lively service lasts around 30 minutes and is created with preschool-aged children in mind. After services, families are invited to stick around for a craft project and a special snack in lieu of challah — and time on one of our playgrounds, if they want! Because this month’s Tot Shabbat falls during Passover, we’re excited to sing a few Passover songs in addition to our Shabbat songs, and do a Passover craft!
Seder Match
Are you hosting a Seder? Are you looking to be hosted? Let us make a shidduch!
For those willing to host, please let us know if you have a seats at your Seder table. For those seeking a Seder and a warm community, please let us know how many seats you need and your preference for the first or second night of Passover. We will do our best to match you with the perfect Seder(s) for your Passover experience, but we cannot guarantee a match. Please click here to register.
Sacred Sparks: Freedom from What? Exploring the Meaning of “Mitzrayim”
Wed, Apr 17, 7:00 PM
As we approach the holiday of Passover, join us for an exploration and discussion on the theme of freedom. What makes us free? Where are we not free? Where might we want to draw attention at our Passover Seders to those who are not free? Please click here to RSVP.
Staying Social & Aging Well
Passover Lunch
Wed, Apr 24, 11:00 AM
Join together with fellow seniors for a meaningful Passover lunch filled with traditional foods, storytelling, and a celebration of our liberation. Please click here to register.
Rodef 2100
Not Your Average
Passover Seder
Sat, Apr 27, 6:00 PM
Join Rodef 2100, our 20’s & 30’s, for a traditional, not so traditional Seder experience! With games, prizes, and amazing food you’ll be sure to have a renewed love for Passover after this event! We will start with Havadallah and then move to the Passover fun. The registration fee includes dinner, dessert, and beverages. Optional: Bring a small vegetarian and Passover-friendly dish to share with the group. Please click here to register.
Passover Desserts
Order by Mon, Apr 15, Pickup on Mon, Apr 22
Celebrate a sweet Passover! You can order all of your favorite Passover dessert from Chantel’s Bakery through TRS! We have many different Passover (kosher-style) desserts to choose from. Please click here for all the details and to put in your order.
Women of TRS Passover Cookbook
If you don’t have the WoTRS Passover Cookbook,
Celebrating and Creating Traditions: Passover Recipes & Ideas, you can get it now. This user-friendly digital cookbook contains 120+ delicious recipes (that can be used year-round) submitted by TRS clergy, staff, and congregants (with interesting back stories accompanying many of the recipes) to help you spice up your Passover food experience. Please
click here to buy your copy.
Use this song Standing at the Sea – performed by Cantor Sydney Michaeli and written by Ellen Allard – to reflect on Passover and celebrate our freedom. Don’t forget to share it with friends and family!
Not sure what to sing during the Hallel portion of your Passover Seder? Listen to Cantor Shochet sing the psalm that carries the melodic motif of Passover, Hodu L’Adonai. Psalm 118: Praise God, for God is good, God’s steadfast love is eternal; Let Israel declare: “God’s steadfast love is eternal.” Let the House of Aaron declare, “God’s steadfast love is eternal.” Let those who fear God declare, “God’s steadfast love is eternal.” This melody, the same used for the Ashkenazi melody for Adir Hu, that carries the Passover motif, is used in this traditional melody for Hodu L’Adonai, arranged by Abraham Idelsohn.
Barbara Sarshik’s Passover Parodies
Do you want to make your Seders more participatory and engaging? Visit here to get free, downloadable, and printable song parodies that are clever and easy to sing. There are 80 Passover parodies with lyrics by longtime TRS member Barbara Sarshik and audio and instrumental recordings featuring several other longtime TRS members. See our song index for a list of all the song parodies, including four new ones at numbers 77-80.