The Executive Board, comprised of the congregation’s officers, is responsible for the general management and supervision of the affairs of the Congregation. Officers serve two-year terms (except the president-elect, who serves a one-year term prior to serving as president) and are elected by the congregation at the Spring Congregational Meeting. Officers for the period July 2024 – June 2026 are shown below.
Jen Jacobsen President
Karen A Vice President, Social Justice & Community Service
Josephine LeBeau Vice President, Adult Education & Cultural Programming
Reyna Pratt Vice President, Planning & Development
Tina Rafalovich Vice President, Internal Operations
The Leadership Council consists of the Executive Board, the elected at-large board members, the elected endowment directors, the immediate three past presidents, chairs of standing committees, and the president or a designated representative of the Men of TRS, Rodef 2100, TRSTY, and the Women of TRS.
Community Service Alyssa Prince, Co-Chair Jon Stoloff, Co-Chair
Early Childhood Center Parent Committee Jen Schlueter, Co-Chair Lisa Weckstein, Co-Chair
Endowment Directors Andrew Joskow Ken Lifland Beth Silver
Inclusion and Accessibility Randi Wallen, Co-Chair Merrill Spiegel, Co-Chair
Israel Joann Berkson, Chair
Men of TRS Jeff Sporn, President
Music and Performing Arts Arianna Zukerman, Chair Dennis Rabinovitz, Vice-Chair
Past Presidents Amy Beckman Lynne Lotenberg Susan Weinstock
Religious School Adam Biegel, Co-Chair Ana Greene, Co-Chair
Rodef 2100 Rebecca Borovsky, President Ilana Apple, Leadership Council Liaison
Social Justice Hillary Horn, Chair
Women of TRS Shari Fishman, President Josie Hertz-Ackerman, President Mary Ann Kennedy, President Bernice Porrazzo, President Andrea Stillman, President