B’nai Mitzvah Student Page

Learn your prayers and Torah with your computer

We use Kol Kore (a Hebrew B’nai Mitzvah tutoring program) as an added resource to help you learn the your Torah portion, Haftarah, and Hebrew prayers required for the service. The program is free, but you have to sign up through our office.

To order the program, DO NOT ORDER ON THEIR WEBSITE. Instead, please send an email to Julie Kaplan. We will configure Kolkore for your assigned prayers/Torah/Haftarah with our recordings.

You will then receive an email from Kolkore with instructions on how to log in and use the program. It is best to use the Firefox or Chrome web browser.

After you’re set up, practice using the Kolkore website.

Mitzvah project ideas

Check each of the following:


When you have finished your mitzvah project, please visit this page to let us know what you did. (sign in as a guest) We will add it to your file so the clergy can see that it has been completed.

Understanding your Torah portion

BimBam creates and distributes fun, accessible, and smart digital media about Judaism for kids, adults, and families who want to spend quality time online. You can search for your Torah portion and watch a short animated clip about it.

Visit the BimBam website.

Do you need packets or recordings?

If you need to download the audio file of your Torah portion, or need another copy of the Torah scan or printout, please email Julie Kaplan at .

Downloadable prayer packets (in PDF)

Morning Student A Service Packet

Morning Student B Service Packet

Afternoon Student A & B Service Packet

Friday Night Packet for All Students