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Office hours are: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pmFriday — 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Jessica IngramExecutive Director(703) 532-2217, x300
Stefanie BloomDirector of Caring(703) 532-2217, x301
Dara HolopDirector, Religious School(703) 532-2217, x251
Cantor Allen LeiderDirector of Lifelong Learning(703) 532-2217, x231
Cookie MandellDirector of Congregational Engagement & Programming(703) 532-2217, x323
Hannah MooreDirector of Philanthropy(703) 532-2217, x319
Rene ShiohamaDirector of Early Childhood Programs(703) 532-2217, x242
Charla WilkersonDirector of Communications(703) 532-2217, x306
Beckett AdelmanRegistrar & Operations Coordinator,Early Childhood Center(703) 532-2217, x240
Otto AdelmanClergy Assistant(703) 532-2217, x311
Alison AhmedRegistrar & Aftercare Coodinator,Early Childhood Center (703) 532-2217, x227
Rachel BirnsCommunications Specialist(703) 532-2217, x308
Barbara Brot BaileySenior Educator (K-3),Religious School(703) 532-2217, x263
Gil CaraballoAV Coordinator(703) 532-2217, x327
Joe CohenLogistics Coordinator(703) 532-2217, x307
Jason FlattMusic Assistant and Songleader(703) 532-2217, x314
Hannah FoleckTeen Engagement Coordinator,Religious School(703) 532-2217, x262
Samantha FotiECC Operations Coordinator(703) 532-2217, x241
Clyde HilliardDirector of Security Personnel(703) 532-2217, x326
Alex HulseOffice Assistant and Registrar,Religious School(703) 532-2217, x260
Julie KaplanB’nai Mitzvah Coordinator(703) 532-2217, x313
Becky Liu-KatzProgram Associate(703) 532-2217, x111
Denise LloydFinance Operations Manager(703) 532-2217, x226
Luisa MossAssociate Director, Religious School(703) 532-2217, x261
Megan O’BriantCamp Director(703) 532-2217, x407
Kathleen OgdenSchool Safety Officer(703) 532-2217, x246
Lynn RichmondMembership Support & Financial Consultant(703) 532-2217, x309
Sarah RogoffYoung Family Engagement Associate(703) 532-2217, x411
Paula RoneyLibrarian(703) 532-2217, x402
Laura RoshOperations and Human Resources Manager(703) 532-2217, x305
Jessica SalenEarly Childhood Education Specialist,Early Childhood Center(703) 532-2217, x250
Lee ThompsonFacilities Director(703) 532-2217, x237
Melissa WeinstockMembership Manager(703) 532-2217, x253
Grace Wright-PazdraOffice Assistant(703) 532-2217, x100