
Thursday, March 13

7:00 PM

Megillah According to

Mel Brooks

Join the TRS Music Department, Music and Performing Arts Committee, and clergy teams as the TRS performers retell the story of Purim. Don’t forget your costume!

8:30 PM


Join us for Purimpalooza – great food, great cocktails, and schmoozing with friends and friends-to-be. Don’t forget to wear your best costume! Please register for Purimpalooza to help us with food and beverage estimates.

Sunday, March 16

10:30 AM
Family Friendly Purim Shpiel
The fun begins with the family-friendly Purim Shpiel by our clergy and staff in the Sanctuary. What could this year’s theme be? 

12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Family Friendly Purim Carnival
Following the Shpiel, delight in the carnival with games, moon bounces, face painting, prizes, and food! Please email us if you need any accommodations in order to participate in this event. No registration required.

12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Purim Carnival Quiet Room
The Inclusion Committee invites families with children to visit the Purim Carnival Quiet Room. This room is for children who need to take a break from the Carnival or prefer a smaller and quieter celebration. We will have crafts, drawing materials, Legos, and other low-key activities. There is no charge and no registration is required.

If you need information or accommodations to participate in any of our events, please click here.

Rodef 2100 (20s & 30s)
Purim Murder Mystery Celebration
Sun, March 16, 3:00 PM

Join Rodef 2100 (TRS’s 20s and 30s community) for a Purim-themed murder mystery afternoon! Sign up in advance to get your assigned role, and come in costume!

Hamantaschen Orders
Pickup 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Wednesday, March 12

Celebrate Purim with delicious Hamantaschen! Mar 6 at noon is the deadline for orders for pickup from TRS. Sunflower Bakery is featuring traditional hamantaschen favorites and creative, fun flavors that are sure to please. Gluten-free, nut-free, and vegan options are available.